Monday, November 15, 2010

XVI Festival de Comida International

As with most large cities, Cuenca has many charities; however, there is a joint charity that touches more lives than most, SOLCA and FASEC. SOLCA is the cancer hospital in Cuenca, whereas, FASEC is the foundation of assistance for cancer patients; it offers hospice care and housing for needy patients and families outside of Cuenca.

The XVI Festival de Comida International, the International Food Festival, was held yesterday at Mall del Rio. This is a major fund raiser for SOLCA and FASEC that is organized annually by Patricia and Berta, owners of Restaurante Villa Rosa in memory of their grandparents who died of cancer.

The benefit is known throughout Cuenca. The enormity of the event was beyond anything that we imagined. This was the first year that there was actually an American booth. The booth was organized by George and Carol Evans, owners of California Kitchen. Food was donated and prepared on sight. The American booth served ribs and burgers along with the accompaniments. Manned by members of the expat community, everyone had a great time in helping this worthwhile cause.

Our day began around 10:30, Mick and I went with George and Carol to pick up the food at the restaurant. Our trunk was packed and the remainder was transported by taxi with Jim, Susie, and John to Mall del Rio. The American booth was just outside. at the entrance. Carol and Susie are unpacking.

The Spanish booth was across from us. They prepared paella for 600 people and had a great time doing so. These fellows were not only the cooks, but the pep squad for the event. They shared shrimp and pulpo with us.

The paella.

Mick and George at the grills.

Narcissa, Henry's mother, with her burger.Andres, Paula, and Miguel.

Some of the other customers.

Jim, Mick, Jim, and John on break.

Angie, Carol, and Susie manning the serving line.

In addition to the American booth, many countries were represented and most of the food was cooked on sight. In addition to the international cuisine, there was a dessert booth and cocktail booth.
The Taiwan booth.



Part of the huge crowd.

The clean up
After the clean up, everyone posed for a picture. The lady with the blue apron was the translator to assist with the selling of tickets. The rest of the group in the picture are Connie and Mark Pombo, Jim and Angie Barnes, Carol and George Evans, Susie Evans, John Crosby, Mike and Pat Grimm, Jim Evans, Mick and Kathy Wesson.

With the food having been donated, all food sales were profit. Additionally, there was a $1 admission fee. With thousands of people in attendance, a tidy sum was made for SOLCA. The volunteers had a tremendous time working at the booth. The American booth made $850. Plans are already in the works by the Evans as to improvements for next years event. The Evans family of California Kitchen is to be commended on their organization of the booth and volunteers.

What a great day! The comraderie among the expats working was wonderful. At the end of the event, everyone was tired but feeling great because we had done something important for a worthwhile cause. It was another day of that "warm fuzzy feeling".

Until next time,
Mick and Kathy


  1. This was a tremendous undertaking by many, many people. I am so glad you blogged about this event. It is good to see what can happen with so many people working together for a good cause. I am also glad you posted a picture of all the people who worked in the USA booth. The warm fuzziness you felt was well deserved.

  2. Thank You Nancy, It was truly fun for all that really worked there...
