Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When a Plan Comes Together

In the '80's TV program, "The A-Team," a repeating line of George Peppard's character, Hannibal Smith, was "I love it when a plan comes together". That line is ditto for Mick and me. It seems that our plan is coming together. Yesterday began with Steven from across the street arriving at 7AM to clean out the attics. I did not count how many loads of discard drove away. Steven helped Mick most of the morning and is a great worker. He is far more industrious than most of the young fellows that I have encountered.

After Steven left, Mick and I began packing, slowly drawing down our mountain of things. When we had finished, we had packed 7- 6.1 cu ft cartons. The crate will hold 24 with a little space left. Mick is concerned; he thinks we will fill 2 lift vans. We shall see. Denis was here in the afternoon and assisted with the pick up.

In the afternoon, our friend, Gilbert, was bumming and stopped by, having heard that we were moving. He had not believed it when he heard, but was shocked to see a primarily empty house. Gilbert is now a believer.

Yesterday, Nick left for daycare at 7:30 and we did not pick him up until 4PM. It was a long day for him, but he did not need to participate in the activities. This morning before going to daycare he had his regular grooming. He is looking quite the handsome boy.

In strategizing the packing efforts, we decided that we would alternate with work and other things. Yesterday was a work day. Today was a fun day; after all, we are retired now. We went out shopping today from the list. After checking prices in Ecuador, we decided that we would ship a TV, even with the cost of shipping, the savings are remarkable. HHGregg gave us a good price on a 40" Samsung LED TV. We were very happy.

Mick and I are both Top-sider people. Lots of stores have sales on them now, with back to school and the like; therefore, we were out and about on Saturday, stocking up on Top-siders. For us, they're a necessity. While shopping, I spotted a Sperry duck shoe that seemed very practical for Cuenca. We will be living across the street from the river, which is a good place to walk Nick. My regular duck shoes are lace-up, these are more practical, since they are slide-on. Belk Northlake did not have my size. Today, it took 2 stores before I found them. They're not beautiful, but practical. My feet will stay dry and so will Nick's in his new Muttluks.
Our list is decreasing in length as is time. This is all just so exciting. At night, we both have difficulty sleeping because our minds are so active, waking in the middle of the night remembering something that needs to be taken care of. Things have a way of getting done and every day is ending with a feeling of accomplishment.

I love it when a plan comes together!

Until next time,
Mick and Kathy

1 comment:

  1. I have lived in Quito for over 16 years, I am happy to help with any questions you might have about the country. Patrick- bullock0005@yahoo.com
