Below is Keith demonstrating the Massey-Ferguson that went for a very good price. It was a "man's auction" I was told.
We were quite flabbergasted at the price of things. Examples include a 410 over and under shotgun that Mick had paid $79, sold for $215. Bob had every kind of knife known to man, large pocket knives with gadgets, not a Leatherman, but just a knife were going for $20 each. His mom's upright piano sold for $5 and his blonde mahogany bedroom suite including a highboy from his youth, went for the grand total of $10. There was no rhyme or reason. A couple of women got in a bidding war over a pair of junk twin beds of Bob's and they were sold for $150. Yet this truly beautiful vintage, mint-condition, blonde mahogany bedroom suite sold for $10. I had previously tried to talk Mick into our keeping it for the guest bedroom in Cuenca, but that was when we were shipping a container.
Some of the items were emotional. Being carried off to its new home above is my Hull piggy bank that our neighbor gave to me as a baby present. When it was brought up, I said I was going to bid on it, Mick gave a brief lecture about "stuff" and "moving"; I let it go.
There were many people there. A total of 206 registered to bid; we were told that is a good crowd. A few months ago, an estate was sold on the same road and there were 52 bidders registered.
The property sold for more than Mick was expecting to get; the property is actually worth twice the value, but this is not a perfect world. It was a long day. The auction lasted, non stop, until almost 3:30. Everyone seemed to be a happy camper. The buyers had their bargains. the concession lady had charged premium prices and had made a killing. Keith was all smiles and so were we!
In the winter when we were planning how to liquidate, we had contacted an estate liquidator. She perused our belongings, said that she could sell it for 40% and we would end up with probably $1800. Although we were realistic, regarding our things being used and the economic situation, but we found that to be very insulting and disheartening. You like to think that what you have accumulated is worth just a bit more than that. A couple of things were sold on Craig's List and some china sold on e-bay. It was time consuming. With the few things that we did sell and yesterday's results, we've already quadrupled that initial figure. The auction worked for us. Perhaps it is not the answer for everyone that is leaving 99% of their possessions, but it was right for us.
The few remaining essentials that we have in the house already have buyers. A couple of things are being given to friends. The crate is scheduled to ship on August 12. Tomorrow, the Allied representative is returning for some last minute instructions.
Yesterday was exhausting. We were tired, but it was a happy tired. We were happy because the estate had been liquidated. We were happy because our things sold easily and we now have an almost empty house. We were happy because Ecuador gets closer every day. We were happy because the day was a tremendous success. Mick gave me a thumbs up for making the right decision on auction companies.
Not only were Mick and I tired, but Nikolas was with us and he was such a trooper. He was so calm in the midst of the crowd. We feel as if the hardest and most involved part of the move is behind us. If you have one, they will come.
Until next time,
Mick and Kathy
Congratulations on such a successful day! Great pictures. I agree with you, I think the hardest part of your move is behind you.