And I can feel the change in the wind right now
Nothing's in my way…
'Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believeI can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith, I’ve got faith, faith of the heart
Mick and I are feeling “the change in the wind right now”. Our routine has changed and what was normal for months now is nonexistent. Every time the phone rings, one of us will comment, “it’s Bob”, and then we realize that it can’t be.
Saturday, we began the process of cleaning and discarding. Our housekeeper, Denis and her sister, Centhia went with us and worked all day. I believe every receipt and piece of paper that crossed Bob or Maxine’s hands over the past 40 years remained in the house. Bags and bags were filled to throw away. The girls scrubbed diligently, cleaned out drawers and pantries of old and expired food. They will return this Saturday and I’ll remember to take a picture of them this time.
Because of the weekend his request for immediate burial, was not until today. Although he wanted no one to view the body, Mick was told that someone had to, for identification purposes. After I saw him this morning and agreed that it was him, he was closed up and transported to the mausoleum. We followed and witnessed that also. His natural son, Michael, and a neighbor were present with us. There was a light drizzle that added to the solemnity.
Life continues and with the passing of someone, there are many legalities to deal with in North Carolina. Mick and Michael left the mausoleum to go the courthouse to initiate the probate proceedings. I went to the house and began with more phone calls to auctioneers and realtors. Mick says that it is possible for the estate to be settled by the end of August.
Tomorrow we will return to the home in which Mick grew up. It has to be made ready to sell. There are so many “man things”. Tractors, lawnmowers, big boy tools…lathe, drill presses, items that are specialized for electrical and mechanical work. There’s also a golf cart and literally a fleet of power chairs, 2 Hoverounds and a scooter like those that you find in supermarkets for the handicapped. Bob had two mottos, “more is better,” and “don’t return anything.” I have a number of returns in the car. We have more meetings with those who want to “help” us with the estate.
Mick and I have faith to believe that we can do this. When everything is done, we’ll go where our heart will take us, which is Cuenca. There have been so many warm thoughts and responses this weekend from our new friends that we’ve yet to meet and we thank you so very much. Our bodies are here, but our hearts are already in Ecuador. Mick got the court’s approval to be away for a couple of weeks in June. When school’s out, we will be down to meet with Gabriella, rent an apartment, and see all of you.
Until next time,
Mick and Kathy
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